Pack 457 held its fall 2023 camping trip at the Assateague State Park in Berlin, MD.
The camp started on Friday with blue skies and a little wind. After setting up camp, the scouts enjoyed a great dinner of quesadillas and refried beans – yum! The scouts finished the day relaxing around the campfire.
Early Saturday morning the camp had a visitor, a beautiful white and brown wild horse. Assateague is known for its wild feral horses; close to 230 wild horses live there and you can often see them walking and grazing. The scouts needed a hearty breakfast of pancakes and eggs before venturing off to perform their service project. The camp service project was picking up trash on the sandy beach dunes and was supervised by a park ranger and scout leaders. The scouts worked up a good appetite performing the service project, and enjoyed a nice lunch of burgers, chips, fresh fruit, and cookies. During down time after lunch the scouts splashed and waded in the ocean.
In the afternoon, the scouts either biked or carpooled to the head of the “Life of the Marsh Trail.” Most of this trail is on an elevated wooden walking path over the marsh. The scouts had a great time looking down into the water and seeing fish and Maryland blue crabs. Of course, a hike is not complete without a break and a granola bar snack. After the hike, all the scouts either carpooled or biked to the ice cream shop. All scouts enjoyed the biking, but Webelos 2 scout Henry did have a collision with a brier bush. Henry bounced back well but we are not sure about the brier bush.
A well-deserved dinner of curry chicken and parathas prepared by Cubmaster Jitesh was enjoyed before the scouts received a nature talk from a park ranger. The park ranger talked about wildlife at Assateague, brought an owl to show the scouts, and then took the scouts to the beach to look for ghost-crabs. This full day ended with a scout campfire filled with songs, jokes, stargazing and scouts having fun!
The scouts woke up early on Sunday to a layer of fog over camp and enjoyed a scrambled egg breakfast before breaking camp and heading home. This adventure was enjoyed by all scouts, leaders, and parents and we can’t wait for the spring camp!
More Pictures are available here

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